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 Debra Carter-Kelly lifepoint, life coaching, parenting resources, coaching programs, life coach


Real people, real problems, and real solutions


I'm often asked, “What’s the secret to a joyful family or relationship?” Each has its own recipe and distinct flavor.

But the one key ingredient is love infused into everything, including discipline.


lifepoint provide fresh parenting strategies designed for raising resilient children in this modern world. Individuals formulate a new life vision, uplifting their spirit so they can fight to break the cycles and mentality of poverty and poor health that have challenged their families for generations.  The true beneficiaries are the children within these families as the adults become better parents, families healthier, and the collective unit has the vision to help them strive beyond their current circumstances.








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This High Conflict Diversion Program offers strategies for effective communication and negotiation for families experiencing a high conflict relationship or divorce. Nearly one in three divorces result in High-Conflict leaving the children with no sense of safety.


High conflict and divorce classes, private coaching, and workshops!





lifepoint agreement
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Redirecting Child Behavior


Redirecting Child Behavior instruction is conducted in three-hour sessions, which allows for adequate time to practice and master the concepts and methods — recommended for Parents of Toddlers to Teens. Each participant sets weekly goals. Problems and successes are shared in a warm and supportive environment.


Have Fun and Learn 101 Practical Skills To:

Build Self-Esteem

Eliminate Power Struggles

Discipline Without Yelling

Be Firm and Kind

Create an Encouraging Family

Develop Self Motivation

Feel Calmer and Enjoy Being a Parent

Develop Mutual RespectMinimize the Hassles, Tantrums, and Tears

Respond Effectively vs. React Emotionally


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Parenting Party


Parenting Party is a two-hour group session of hands-on learning. You will learn more about yourself and why you relate to your children the way you do. Also, learn:


- understand how your thoughts create your day-to-day family reality

- discover how your choices affect your overall relationship with your children

- explore ways to create more overall happiness in your family life and more.


Practical guidance tools and methods to achieve results!

Image by Bruno Nascimento
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FUN-ctioning Families


Fun-ctioning Families is held for two hours for 5 weeks. Children practice hands-on techniques through role-play and group interaction that parallel the adult learning in Redirecting Child Behavior. Handouts support the activities and information. Each week includes fun-work to provide practice on the newly learned techniques. This course is designed for Grade School to Teens. Kids have fun learning practical skills to>


- Accept Responsibility for their Actions

- Develop Self-Control and Motivation

- Resolve Conflicts/Develop Mutual Respect

- Become a Proactive Confident Thinker

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Parent Teleseminars  


Learn Proven Strategies for Increasing Your Effectiveness

Hot-button Topics Presented Weekly

Dial-in From Home, No Babysitters, and No Driving



Balancing Love & Discipline

Balancing Work and Family

Handling Power Struggles

Teaching Self-Control

Family Time Management

Handling Conflict Peacefully

Talk so Children Listen

Countdown to Self- Esteem

Teaching Children’s Values



Parent Lecture Series


35 Talks and workshops are delivered in 1 to 1.5 hours length sessions. Each session contains Redirecting Children's Behavior proven parenting techniques in combination with additional valuable resources. Handout(s) supporting each activity and course are made available. Fun and engaging work assignments offer opportunities to put into practice new parenting techniques. These talks and workshops are designed with parents, teachers, and the general public in mind.


LIVE monthly workshops:


 lifepoint  playbook SENSE of SELF Uncomplicated


Parenting with INTENTION




Parent Coaching


Parenting coaching is a wonderful way to grow both as a parent and as an individual. It is a confidential place for you to explore your challenges and dreams. Your coach is someone who is highly qualified and dedicated to your success.

Family in Bed
happy lifepoint family
happy lifepoint parent and child
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Teacher and Administrator Redirecting for Cooperative Classrooms


Redirecting for Cooperative Classroom sessions are held in two-hour sessions. A dynamic course with the goal of teacher and student empowerment. The course combines teaching techniques to create a peaceful classroom environment while addressing behavior management issues. An attempt to control student's behavior is not practical. Teaching students to become active decision-makers, accept responsibility, and cooperate with others is how they learn and grow into successful adults. This course is for School Administrators of Toddlers to Teens. Learn how to increase teaching time and student on-task behavior. 

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Instructor Certification for

Redirecting Children's Behavior


Every child will have a home where they are loved unconditionally, where their spirit is honored and nurtured, and where they are taught the power fo love. Imagine being the catalyst who positively affect family dynamics. 


Take our Parent Educator Personality Test:


  1. Do you feel parents would benefit from receiving more emotional support in raising their children?

  2. Do people frequently ask for your advice?

  3. Do you get excited about helping others make a difference in their lives?

  4. Do you enjoy working at your own pace?

  5. Is making a difference in your community important to you?

What's your story?

I can help you live your choice!

Book Your Session

It's time for your breakthrough. Register for your 30-minute complimentary lifepoint consultation.


"Since having to take the parenting class through Alameda County Family Services

over two years ago while my husband and I

were separated and had been through 

a dramatic international child custody battle,

I am very pleased to say we reconciled and are a happily united family unit."

—  Karyn Krause Amore

"We learned a lot from you, and in the class. We will be better parents and grandparents for it. And thank you for all the good work you are doing in the world.

It makes us feel good knowing that so many parents and children are benefitting from your work."

— John Hendee 


Enter your email below to: 


A Child’s Request

The Countdown for a Self-Esteem Summer

10 Keys to Successful Parenting

Setting Limits

The Art of Avoiding Power Struggles

Motherhood, Miracles, and Mistakes

Creating Happy Campers Through Involvement

The Language of Encouragement

Adults’ Harsh words Take Emotional Toll

8 Ways to Teach Values

Bedtime Without Hassles

100 Yard Dash








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